Soundly - определение. Что такое Soundly
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Что (кто) такое Soundly - определение

Thoroughly, satisfactorily, well.
Healthily, heartily.
Severely, lustily, smartly, stoutly.
Truly, correctly, rightly.
Firmly, strongly.
Fast, deeply, profoundly.
·adv In a sound manner.
If someone is soundly defeated or beaten, they are severely defeated or beaten.
Duke was soundly defeated in this month's Louisiana governor's race.
ADV: ADV -ed
If a decision, opinion, or statement is soundly based, there are sensible or reliable reasons behind it.
Changes must be soundly based in economic reality.
ADV: ADV -ed [approval]
If you sleep soundly, you sleep deeply and do not wake during your sleep.
How can he sleep soundly at night?...
She was too soundly asleep to hear Stefano's return.
= deeply
ADV: ADV after v, ADV adj
Примеры произношения для Soundly
1. you were sleeping soundly.
Gimlet's Reply All _ Alex Goldman & PJ Vogt _ Talks at Google
2. with sound principles and soundly
The Devil's Financial Dictionary and The Intelligent Investor _ Jason Zweig _ Talks at Google
3. and think more soundly about themselves, about other people,
Raising Thinkers, Preparing Your Child For the Journey _ Tremaine du Preez _ Talks at Google
4. I slept more soundly than I had in weeks.
When Breath Becomes Air _ Lucy Kalanithi _ Talks at Google
5. and think more soundly about himself, about information,
Raising Thinkers, Preparing Your Child For the Journey _ Tremaine du Preez _ Talks at Google
Примеры употребления для Soundly
1. Long may they be faithful to their soundly biblical, soundly Christian principles.
2. One particular match his young team were getting soundly beaten.
3. Not long after that, I was soundly sleeping in bed.
4. Australia while also off their best in attack defended soundly.
5. We‘re going to make sure that mines operate only safely, soundly." Palin‘s comments rocked the contest.